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Complex technology needs accurate and effective knowledge transfer

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Complex technology needs accurate knowledge transfer. More and more the effective transfer of knowledge is considered to be an important management skill. A fundamental necessity for the growth and quality of an organization and not rarely even a requirement for the continued existence of it.

There’s much to learn about sharing necessary aspects of knowledge. It requires insights about adapting to levels of competence and how to do that the right way. Awareness is the key word for that reason. A CEET – certified trainer is aware of how professionals in technical environments want to learn and how he can adapt to that in the most inspiring way. These cases are perfectly simple and easy to distinguish. In a free hour, when our power of choice is untrammelled and when nothing prevents our being able to do what we like best, every pleasure is to be welcomed and every pain avoided.

Strict compliance is clear information to ensure safety and replicability

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Strict compliance is rooted in clear information transfer to ensure safety and replicability.

Nowadays specific regulations leed more and more to enforceability when it comes down to educating professionals in certain industries. Not rarely specific compliance demands are the justification to certify technical trainers.

This guarantees that important factors like safety and replicability are taken into great account by the responsible trainers and that they are constantly wrapped up in the CEET scenario’s.

Instructing may not seem to be rocket science; still it requires insights that need to be well kept in mind for maximum results. Sometimes it is more useful to show and demonstrate something shortly than to slide into an extended topic related educational discussion.

CEET trainers are equiped to make the right choices in the learning process in order to reach learning goals effectively.

Consistent service is delivered when people know what is expected of them

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Many organizations are making a transfer nowadays from product based activities towards solution based strategies. The deliverance of a medical modality for instance is not enough in the current market: training clients and users is just as important and more and more even subject of compliance demands.

Instructing may not seem to be rocket science; still it requires insights that need to be well kept in mind for maximum results. Sometimes it is more useful to show and demonstrate something shortly than to slide into an extended topic related educational discussion.

CEET trainers are equipped to make the right choices in the learning process in order to reach learning goals effectively.


Our clients

Atlas Copco




Novo Nordisk


Schouten & Nelissen


IPV Training & Advies

Business School Nederland

CEET – for well trained trainers

If you know a lot about something, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you can convey it. Sharing knowledge is a skill than can be trained, tested and certified.

CEET Institute is specialized in training and certifying technical trainers all over the world, with emphasis on the didactic process, in a way that has proven to comply throughout the value chain.

We train technical trainers in research and development and production processes, in delivery and installation, in usage and maintenance, in disassembling and recycling and many other branches of industry.

CEET Institute ensures effective information transfer where knowledge lands in a way it can take off again.

training and certifying technical trainers

Get to know CEET

Great companies deliver beyond expectation.

And expectations are managed best with well trained trainers.

CEET Institute trains and certifies trainers to comply to any standard.

Close the gap between reality & expectation

Your trainers will become excellent trainers. Knowing is not yet doing, yet CEET trainers know exactly what they are doing. To really let knowledge land and take off again. To close the gap between expectation and reality you need effective knowledge transfer. Without that, everything grinds to a halt.

It’s impossible to train everybody in everything! The key people to train excellently are your compliant CEET trainers. An effective trainer doesn’t just show his slides, but looks at his slides together with his participants. The trainer must be on the same side as the group to transfer knowledge effectively. You have to get participants involved.

They need to see the picture before the trainer starts to explain the pixels. It takes people an average of 45 hours to learn how to drive. Company trainers get far fewer hours to teach how to use far more complex machinery.

CEET Institute will provide you the confidence of having well trained trainers at your disposal to create a successful company.


Why do organisations choose CEET Institute

Jack Copanelly

Philips, USA

“CEET trainers understand exactly what complex organizations, that demand a lot of their internal trainers, need.”
Elsbeth Hannema

Ministry of Defence, Netherlands

“I thought I was a professional trainer. Since I followed the CEET programme, I know I am!”
Sophie Chow

Changhong Technology, China

“We saw positive financial results within two quarters after deployment of the CEET programme.”
Panayiotis Tsoulias

ERT, Athens

“From the very start of my CEET training to the last question of the exam, I’ve always been amazed at how well designed every part of the learning process is.”

3 Steps towards a successful training program


…the training challenges your company faces and align on your goals.


…a detailed plan to fulfill your train-the-trainer needs.


training, examination and certification.


A certificate creates trust

Trust in your products, services, (management) processes and employees. Your certificate enables you to demonstrate that your organization and your people work efficiently and safely, that you manage the work and work processes effectively and that you strive to be sustainable. It allows you to reduce risks, improve the quality of your organization and have more satisfied clients. An independent third party like Kiwa, guaranteeing and guiding the quality of certifying processes worldwide, ensures it stays that way.

CEET Institute delivers

Certified executive engineer trainers
Proven tools and techniques to empower trainers
Skills to go from one-dimensional to interactive training
Highly appreciated by students
Available in three levels: Yellow, Green and Black
Get the confidence of your company; take the lead and stay in charge of your success. Or simply call +31 85 877 05 68.

Comes in three levels

The Yellow Level is individual oriented and includes basic coaching, mentoring and instructing skills. The Green Level is group oriented and covers tools to transfer knowledge and inspire within a didactic role. The Black Level is design oriented and is for professionals responsible for learning visions and ultimate training scenarios.

Yellow Level – individual oriented

Basic coaching, mentoring and instructing skills for professionals who need to contribute to the performance and development of colleagues. You’ll be certified for 3 years.

Mentoring skills can be trained, tested and certified. The CEET yellow program is for mentors and instructors who need to supervise (new) employees, so they can quickly be deployed independently and master their work professionally. It supports improved knowledge transfer, also meaning employees become more productive in less time.

Being a mentor is challenging. They often have built up a wealth of knowledge and information over many years of experience and tend to just advice their colleagues. But mentoring is more than just providing solutions. It requires a unique set of skills, in order to:

  • Coach employees, pupils and trainees in the workplace, helping them to discover their own development needs
  • Encourage and challenge employees, while only occasionally clarifying;
  • Enable mentees to become effective problem solvers
  • Know how to give good instruction or constructive feedback.
  • Have the ability to inspire mentees
Why certifying mentors?

In your highly technical environment, the ability to transfer knowledge and learn new skills is essential for your business success and competitive edge.

  • Certified mentors add value and consistency to the quality of your company, products and services
  • Complex technical environments need careful and effective knowledge transfer
  • Compliance demands ask of your industry to ensure colleagues are being supervised professionally
  • The speed of learning dictates requirements at the same level in all countries and locations
What does a CEET yellow program look like:
  • The training is intended for internal supervisors or mentors who need to help others in their task-oriented and personal development
  • Blended training scenario; live and virtual editions
  • No specific prerequisites for enrolling this mentor training course
  • 3 consecutive intensive training days 
  • Lots of personal attention through working in small groups
  • Practical exam included: the participants record a mentoring conversation which will be assessed shortly after the training program
Green Level – group oriented

This level gives you the right tools to transfer necessary knowledge excellently. You learn to inspire within the process and within your didactic role. You’ll be certified for 3 years.

Training skills can be trained, tested and certified. The CEET program enables technical experts to become effective, well-trained trainers that are able to transfer knowledge and enable your staff to learn new skills fast and effectively.

When technical experts design a learning program, it can be a challenge to keep both the content and process in scope, while staying sensitive to the dynamics of the group.

  • Make the transition from one-way sending information, to real learning facilitation
  • Include both online and offline learning experiences
  • Learn to focus on strongly combining group dynamics with didactic skills  
  • Learn how to instruct, encourage educational conversations and use case studies
  • Understand a learning journey and learner engagement
Why certify your technical trainers?

In your highly technical environment, the ability to transfer knowledge and learn new skills is essential for your business success and competitive edge.

  • Certified trainers add value and consistency to the quality of your products and services
  • Complex technical knowledge needs strict explanation and expert training
  • Compliance demands ask of your industry to ensure safety and replicability
  • The speed of learning dictate requirements at the same level in all countries/location.
What does a CEET green program look like?
  • Blended learning program – 100% virtual is also possible
  • Dutch and English language
  • Innovative setup with didactic techniques, lots of interaction and theory where it adds value
  • Participants do a pre-assignment  
  • 4 days training
  • 1 day examination
  • Participants do a post-assignment
Black Level – design oriented

For professionals responsible for the development and positioning of visions on learning processes and ultimate training scenarios. You’ll be certified for 3 years.

We believe that effective training comes down to inspiring and challenging people who dare to play with their knowledge. After all, just to know something doesn’t necessarily mean one can convey that knowledge. According to us excellent trainers are self confident, curious and always aware what’s going on in the group.

Technical trainers within knowledge based environments, not rarely bound by strict compliance requirements, can very well be assessed and certified. The framework for that led to the founding of the CEET Institute, in cooperation with KIWA Global Certifiers.

The founders are global trainers with decades of worldwide experience within learning organisations. Training and assessing professionals with, as they call it, ‘applied training tasks’ is their expertise. They share the same vision on important basic elements of the sparkling attitude of the well trained trainer, like lightheartedness and curiosity.

Get to know the CEET Institute

Complex technology needs accurate & effective knowledge transfer

What we do

The CEET Institute trains and certifies your technical trainers on the spot, to ensure that they can transfer their specific knowledge effectively and correctly, often due to strict compliance demands, which become more and more important.

How we do it

To maximize the effectiveness of the program we work with small groups of maximum 6 participants. The CEET program is conducted by highly experienced facilitators in live or virtual classroom who are non-stop focusing on the power of the learning process in itself. The length of the live classroom training course is 3 consecutive days. The length of the online training course is 5 consecutive half days.

Key benefits of the CEET program

CEET trainers are able to deploy powerful training instruments, train more effectively and with higher confidence. They can guarantee that their students will have obtained a more proactive approach to safety management and can create a stronger culture of compliance within their organization.

Key outcomes of the CEET training program

Apply different didactic work formats required to facilitate demanding learning processes.

Create a safe learning environment.

Use the right interventions to inspire and motivate their participants to learn.

Perform powerful and result oriented in their trainer’s role.

Apply interventions designed to contribute to the group’s development and the benefits of the learning results.